our history

As the world of work continually evolves and the field of EX changes with it, The EXchange keeps pace to meet the needs of EX practitioners and advocates everywhere. Over time and across geographies, our organizational form has varied, but our founding purpose has remained the same: We help each other improve experiences for employees and, in so doing, create value for our organizations.

key milestones


European EX practitioners from some of the world’s largest global companies began hosting a series of in-person workshops on early EX design work.


The European group formalized as “The EX Think Tank” and sharpened its focus to develop and advance how organizations approach EX work. Now meeting every two months, members shared what they were working on, asked for advice and feedback, and co-created practices and tools.


Twenty practitioners from large North American companies met for two days in New York City to talk about EX in general and at their specific companies. Recognizing that EX is important not just to HR, but also to businesses and people in general, the group resolved to use the weight of their prominent brands to define the emerging field of EX.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the European and North American EX communities merged into one virtual community and continued to meet every two months. The newly global community grew quickly as members from around the world began joining.


The global EX community formally launched as a non-profit organization: The EXchange. Members still meet every two months to share and learn from one another, but now have access to expanded networking and support tools and to volunteer and leadership opportunities.

Learn more about becoming a member today.